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Build a Fake Instance Metadata Server for Ubuntu on Vagrant

2014-07-22 Discuss

Let's say that you have a proper build/bake/deploy pipeline in place for running appications in AWS. This is a reliable way to deploy applications at scale and move traffic between different versions of applications as a part of the deployment pipeline. However, the whole process may take 20-40 minutes or so to complete for any particular build. If you want to iterate more rapidly on your development efforts, you could skip the full process with a quickpatch ssh/rsync deployment to a single server or you could stand up a local Vagrant base image and iterate on that. Now let's say that the application you are working on is intended to work with instance metadata, particularly for the purpose of obtaining a rotating set of access and secret keys. It might be nice to have a fake metadata service running on your local Vagrant image so that you can test your application in a manner similar to how it will be running in the cloud. In this post, I describe how to build and configure a fake metadata service for an Ubuntu image running on Vagrant.

Package Layout

This layout assumes that you will be installing custom packages to the /apps directory, and there is a daemontools service hierarchy located at /service. The fake-metadata/service/run file is a script suitable for use with daemontools.

├── apps
│   └── fake-metadata
│       ├──
│       └── service
│           └── run
└── etc
    ├── init.d
    │   └── fake-metadata
    ├── logrotate.d
    │   └── fake-metadata
    └── network
        └── iptables.rules

Building and Packaging

For cross-platform build packaging, it will be easiest to use the nebula ospackage plugin with Gradle. With this plugin available, your build script will look something like this:

apply plugin: 'nebula-ospackage'

ospackage {


    link('/apps/fake-metadata/logs', '/mnt/logs/fake-metadata')
    link('/service/fake-metadata', '/apps/fake-metadata/service')

buildDeb {
    postInstall file('scripts/')
    preUninstall 'svc -d /service/fake-metadata'
    postUninstall file('scripts/')

task build(dependsOn: ['buildDeb'])

Fake Metadata Application

The simplest approach to building the service is to create a Flask service and have it run bare on the Vagrant instance. Given how small it will be and limited amount of traffic it will need to serve, there is no need to run this behind a dedicated static webserver like nginx or Apache. The nice thing about using Flask and having a basic structure in place is that it is then easy to extend the application to add other endpoints when needed.

#!/usr/bin/env python

from flask import Flask, jsonify, abort, make_response, request
import os
import sys

app = Flask(__name__)

BaseIAMRole = {
  'Code': 'Success',
  'LastUpdated' : '',
  'Type': 'AWS-HMAC',
  'AccessKeyId': '',
  'SecretAccessKey': '',
  'Token': '',
  'Expiration': ''

@app.route('/', methods = ['GET'])
def index():
    return 'latest'

@app.route('/latest/', methods = ['GET'])
def latest():
    return 'meta-data'

@app.route('/latest/meta-data/', methods = ['GET'])
def meta_data():
    endpoints = [
    return ('\n').join(endpoints)

@app.route('/latest/meta-data/iam/', methods = ['GET'])
def iam():
    return 'security-credentials'

@app.route('/latest/meta-data/iam/security-credentials/', methods = ['GET'])
def security_credentials():
    return 'BaseIAMRole'

@app.route('/latest/meta-data/iam/security-credentials/BaseIAMRole', methods = ['GET'])
def base_iam_role():
    # update the payload to contain a current set of accesss and secrey keys
    return jsonify(BaseIAMRole)

@app.route('/latest/meta-data/public-hostname', methods = ['GET'])
def public_hostname():
    return os.environ['EC2_LOCAL_HOSTNAME']

@app.route('/latest/meta-data/public-ipv4', methods = ['GET'])
def public_ipv4():
    return os.environ['EC2_LOCAL_IPV4']

def not_found(error):
    return make_response(jsonify( { 'error': 'bad request' } ), 400)

def not_found(error):
    return make_response(jsonify( { 'error': 'not found' } ), 404)

def not_found(error):
    return make_response(jsonify( { 'error': 'internal server error' } ), 500)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        if ':' in sys.argv[1]:
  , port=port)

Daemontools Run Script

This script is watched by the supervise process, which then starts (or restarts) the application if it is not running. Switching to a non-root user and redirecting output to the log file occurs here.


ulimit -n 32768

source /etc/profile.d/

export PATH=/command:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/scripts

if [ ! -d "/mnt/logs/fake-metadata" ]; then
  mkdir -p /mnt/logs/fake-metadata
  chmod 0777 /mnt/logs/fake-metadata


echo "starting fake-metadata"
exec setuidgid $USER $PYTHON $APP $OPTS >> $LOG 2>&1

PostInstall Script

This is where most of the trickiness occurs.

The post install script is responsible for modifying the /etc/network/interfaces file, adding the metadata server IP address and configuring iptables in an idempotent manner. When the post install script is packaged by the nebula ospackage plugin into a Debian package, it gets a #!/bin/sh -e shebang invocation, which means that the script will halt execution at any point where it evaluates a non-zero return code. This means that the script needs to be written such a way that the environment state testing being done always returns a true value so that the script does not fail, hence the ||true constructs.

We are attaching an extra IP address to the loopback interface, so we need to redirect traffic from to the location where the fake metadata server is running. We are dealing with the loopback interface, which means that the PREROUTING nat table is never hit and we must use the OUTPUT table instead. You cannot DNAT packets destined for the loopback interface, because the kernel will treat them as martians and drop them, so you must REDIRECT the packets to the desired port. When performing the redirection from port 80 to 8000 on the loopback interface, it sends the packets to, not, so the fake metadata server must be listening on localhost port 8000.

If for some reason, you need to troubleshoot the post install script, it can be found at /var/lib/dpkg/info/fake-metadata.postinst following an attempted package installation.

LINE=$( grep /etc/network/interfaces || true )
if [[ ! "$LINE" == **  ]]; then
    sed -i '/iface lo inet loopback/a up ip addr add dev lo scope host' /etc/network/interfaces

LINE=$( /sbin/ip addr |grep || true )
if [[ ! "$LINE" == **  ]]; then
    /sbin/ip addr add dev lo scope host

LINE=$( grep iptables-restore /etc/network/interfaces || true )
if [[ ! "$LINE" == *iptables-restore*  ]]; then
    sed -i '/up ip addr add/a pre-up iptables-restore < /etc/network/iptables.rules' /etc/network/interfaces

LINE=$( iptables -t nat -L |grep 8000 || true )
if [[ ! "$LINE" == *8000*  ]]; then
    iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp -d --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8000

/usr/sbin/update-rc.d fake-metadata defaults

PostUninstall Script

This script is the inverse of the post install script; it returns the system to its previous state.

LINE=$( grep /etc/network/interfaces || true )
if [[ "$LINE" == **  ]]; then
    sed -i '/up ip addr add\/32 dev lo scope host/d' /etc/network/interfaces

LINE=$( /sbin/ip addr |grep || true )
if [[ "$LINE" == **  ]]; then
    /sbin/ip addr delete dev lo scope host

LINE=$( grep iptables-restore /etc/network/interfaces || true )
if [[ "$LINE" == *iptables-restore*  ]]; then
    sed -i '/pre-up iptables-restore < \/etc\/network\/iptables.rules/d' /etc/network/interfaces

LINE=$( iptables -t nat -L |grep 8000 || true )
if [[ "$LINE" == *8000*  ]]; then
    iptables -t nat -D OUTPUT -p tcp -d --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8000

/usr/sbin/update-rc.d -f fake-metadata remove
rm -rf /apps/fake-metadata
pkill -f 'supervise fake-metadata'

Log Rotation

To keep the local Vagrant instance clean, it is useful to configure log rotation. Sending a HUP signal to the service allows it to continue writing to the new logfile.

/mnt/logs/fake-metadata/server.log {
    rotate 7
    create 644 root root
        svc -h /service/fake-metadata